- Amy Mendillo for East Side Monthly
Power Lines and FPNA Board Membership
Time to Bury the Lines?
Since 2002, the neighborhood group Friends of India Point Park (FIPP) has worked tirelessly with the City, the State, and the utility National Grid to negotiate and fund an effort to eliminate the large, looming power line structures that cross the I-195 bridge, dissect India Point Park, and span the Seekonk River toward the Tockwotton home in East Providence. FPNA has supported this effort, agreeing with FIPPs stance that the towers, which have become structurally unsound and currently need replacement, not only spoil the beauty of the waterfront, but erode its overall appeal to tourists and investors. According to a recent FIPP petition, it’s time to bury the lines. “With most of the funds raised,” it states, “this project as been delayed far too long.”
This month, the FPNA Board voted to join 17 other neighborhood, local, and environmental organizations to support FIPPs upcoming appeal to the RI Supreme Court, which along with a second appeal from the City of Providence, calls into question an October 2017 decision by the RI Energy Facility Siting Board to rebuild the lines above ground. FPNA hopes that the appeal process will push the Siting Board to reexamine all available options for this critical gathering spot and gateway to our city— including the rare opportunity to bury the lines.
Interested in Supporting Your Neighborhood?
The FPNA is looking for interested neighbors to participate in FPNA Board activities. Would you like to learn about current neighborhood issues and events? Do you have web skills, organizational know-how, and/or an idea for solving a particular problem? Please contact us, or simply come to one of our board meetings! With a relatively low contribution of time and energy, you’ll get the chance to meet neighbors, offer your skills, and improve the quirky and cool neighborhood of Fox Point.
Image: Friends of India Point Park