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Fox Point Neighbors Concerned about Influx of Cars

Amy Mendillo for Providence Monthly

The 195 Commission met in mid-July to hear neighborhood feedback and vote on “conceptual approval” of a two-building development project designed by the Urbanica firm and slated for South Main and South Water streets, adjacent to the Van Leesten pedestrian bridge. FPNA, which has been involved in the Commission’s months-long vetting process since its start, gave strong warnings about the proposal.

FPNA’s concerns relate to massing and parking. The proposal, which includes two buildings that range in size from three to six stories, struck Fox Point neighbors and the FPNA Board of Directors as too high and bulky, even in modified form. “The massing and height are out of context with the neighborhood,” said FPNA Interim President Lily Bogosian. What’s more, the proposal compounds an already troublesome situation with lack of parking in the area. “This project lacks adequate residential parking and service vehicle accommodations,” Bogosian continued. “We are not able to manage the influx of vehicles at this very moment as a result of current development. We are seeing road rage, noise, parking issues, cars in driveways, and more.” The Urbanica project, she continued, combined with the City and State’s more than 1,500 proposed units, would only cause these problems to worsen.

The 195 Commission ultimately voted to approve the design, which includes residential units, first-level commercial space, a public plaza, and live-work lofts. In the coming months, the Commission and the public will have the opportunity to review and provide comment on the final design.

Lily Bogosian, Interim President of the Fox Point Neighborhood Association (standing), spoke at a July meeting of the 195 Commission to express concern about the influx of cars in Fox Point. (Photo, Amy Mendillo)

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