Neighbors Discuss Statewide Issues and Female Health

The January meeting of the Fox Point Neighborhood Association (FPNA) included two special guests: Chris Blazejewski, RI House Majority Leader, and Denisses Cortorreal, Community Liaison at the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery at Women & Infants Hospital.
Blazejewski, the State Representative for District 2 and a longtime friend of FPNA, summarized his recent work with House Speaker Joseph Shekarchi and other legislators to invest in affordable housing, increase the number ADUs (accessory dwelling units) in the state, and encourage transit-oriented housing, among other efforts to improve access to housing. He also discussed current initiatives to improve education in RI and curb climate change, “the issue of our time,” he suggested, by pushing for wind-energy legislation. Neighbors inquired about gun control, housing affordability, smart growth, and the state of the RI public transit system.
The second matter of the evening was new for FPNA: a mini-lesson on a health topic. Cortorreal joined the meeting in order to educate women (and those who care about them) on female pelvic floor disorders, empower them to seek help if needed, and know that these conditions are common. Cortorreal suggested that one in four women in the US over the age of 20 suffers from a pelvic-floor disorder. “It doesn’t have to be normal,” she said about this kind of issue. “It is common, but it doesn’t have to be normal.” It is also a topic that some women hesitate to discuss with their doctors or friends. FPNA received glowing feedback regarding both January speakers and plans to include legislative updates and occasional health topics, both, in future monthly meetings.
Image: Owners of electric vehicles charge their cars on Thayer Street, near Brown University. State Representative Chris Blazejewski spoke with Fox Point neighbors in January about the threats of climate change, among other issues. Photo: Amy Mendillo