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Neighbors Weigh in on Gano Street Subdivision

Amy Mendillo for Providence Monthly

In November of last year, local developer Bahman Jallili spoke with neighbors at a monthly FPNA meeting to share plans to demolish three buildings on Gano Street, at the intersection of Power Street, to make way for a new four-building, five-story subdivision. While neighbors were critical of the lack of affordable units in the development and what one resident characterized as its "monolithic" appearance, they were most vocal about the parking entrance for the subdivision, which is planned for the eastern edge of that intersection, near the heavily trafficked Gano Street ball fields and community garden. "I am very concerned for the safety of pedestrians, especially children," another neighbor commented.

Since then, Jalili has modified his plans. While the parking structure for the building will be accessed from Power Street, as originally proposed, the driveway will be widened to improve visibility. According to Tim Shea, Neighborhood Liaison with the Providence Department of Planning, Jalili has also committed to removing “deteriorating concrete bleachers” that currently stand on the left-field foul line of the ballfield and replacing them with decorative plantings. FPNA appreciates Jailili's flexibility, particularly for matters related to safety. Jalili will go before the City Plan Commission this spring.

Image, Amy Mendillo

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