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FPNA Stands With Neighbors to Oppose Tower

Amy Mendillo for East Side Monthly

Issue Update: Fane Proposal

The New York developer Jason Fane introduced a proposal last year to build a 46-story tower of luxury homes for Parcel 42 of the 195 District, located near the western-most end of the new pedestrian bridge. In order to build a structure of 46 stories in a zoning area capped by the City of Providence at ten stories (100 feet), Fane requested a zoning exception called a "height sub-district," commonly referred to as “spot-zoning.” In late April, the Downtown Design Review Committee heard public comments on this request and voted against it.

FPNA opposed this request for three main reasons. The appeal for a zoning exception is unjustified under current comprehensive plan for the area and would open the door to subsequent buildings of similar height. Also, the height of the tower would destroy the continuity of scale of the area, compromising not only its historic character but the success of past and present infrastructure investments like the pedestrian bridge and nearby park. Last, the tower would create only ten to fifteen permanent jobs, directly contradicting the master plan of the I-195 Commission for the parcels and for the neighborhood.

Next up, the City Council will consider the recommendation of the DDRC. According to a recent public opinion poll, respondents opposed the Fane proposal four-to-one—and six-to-one in adjacent zip codes. We will do all we can to stand with neighbors on this issue.

Image, Amy Mendillo

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